Sprite sheet animations

This tutorial shows how to turn your spritesheets into animation. This is a builtin tophat feature, which makes this a very easy task.

We will need to declare these global variables:

var (
	spriteSheet: image.Image
	atl: atlas.Atlas
	anm: anim.Anim

First you have to load the image with your spritesheet:

	spriteSheet = image.load("spritesheet.png")

We then use the image to create an atlas. An atlas is used to operate with images that store subimages in a grid. The first argument to the mk function is the image we will create the atlas from. The second argument are the dimensions of the atlas.

	atl = atlas.mk(spriteSheet, th.Vf2{ 6, 1 })

The atlas is then used to create an animation. The first argument is the atlas with the spritesheet. The second argument is the fps count. You can also add optional arguments specifying start and end frame and the start offset.

	anm = anim.mk(atl, 1)

We now have the animation ready. Now we just have to call it's animate method. The only argument it the time. We can use just th.time in this case.


The animate method uses the the base image's crop method to select the current frame. This means we can now just draw the image.


Full program:

import (

var (
	spriteSheet: image.Image
	atl: atlas.Atlas
	anm: anim.Anim

fn init*() {
	window.setup("animation example", 500, 500)
	window.setViewport(th.Vf2{ 5, 5 })

	spriteSheet = image.load("spritesheet.png")
	atl = atlas.mk(spriteSheet, th.Vf2{ 6, 1 })
	anm = anim.mk(atl, 1)
