Loading and drawing images

First you need to import the image.um module, which houses all sorts of image functions. We are interested in image.load. It takes a path to an image, which it loads and then returns. Example:

apple := image.load("gfx/apple.png")

You can check the image using the validate method.

if !apple.validate() {
	error("Could not load gfx/apple.png")

That's all. The image is now ready to be drawn. You can do that using it's draw method. You need to pass it a transform.

	p: {5, 20},
	s: {1, 1},
	r: 45 })

This draws the image at position [5, 20] rotated by 45 degrees.

Full example:

import (

var (
    apple: image.Image

fn init*() {

	apple = image.load("gfx/apple.png")
	if !apple.validate() {
		error("Could not load gfx/apple.png")

			p: {5, 20},
			s: {1, 1},
			r: 45 })