Tilemaps allow for easy level construction and fast collisions. You can even use them for some games instead of entities (tetris comes to mind)
Direction constants used for autotile
const (
top* = 1
right* = 2
bot* = 4
left* = 8
struct Tilemap
type Tilemap* = struct {
atlas: atlas::Atlas
pos: th::Vf2
w: th::uu // width of tilemap
cells: []th::uu // all cells (this will draw the tile in tiles with number in cells - 1)
collMask: []bool // if true, the tile collides
scale: th::fu
Tilemap struct
fn mk
fn mk*(w, h: th::uu, at: atlas::Atlas, scale: th::fu = 1): Tilemap {
Make a tilemap with all cells set to 0.
fn mk2
fn mk2*(cells: []th::uu, w: th::uu, at: atlas::Atlas, scale: th::fu = 1): Tilemap {
Make a tilemap from a list of cells.
fn Tilemap.has
fn (t: ^Tilemap) has*(x, y: int): bool {
Check if a tile exists at the given coordinates.
fn Tilemap.edit
fn (t: ^Tilemap) edit*(x, y, tile: int){
Edit a tile in the tilemap.
fn Tilemap.get
fn (t: ^Tilemap) get*(x, y: int): int {
Get a tile from the tilemap.
fn Tilemap.draw
fn (t: ^Tilemap) draw*(tr: th::Transform, tint: uint32 = 0xFFFFFFFF) {
Draws the tilemap.
fn Tilemap.getColl
fn (t: ^Tilemap) getColl*(e: ent::Ent, ic: ^th::Vf2, pos: ^th::Vf2): bool {
Checks whether e
collides with any of the tiles in t
, which are in the
[out] - the position where a collision occuredpos
[out] - coordinates of a tile where a collision occured
Note: While there may be multiple collisions with a tilemap, this function will only return one.
fn Tilemap.getCollLine
fn (t: ^Tilemap) getCollLine*(b, e: th::Vf2, ic: ^th::Vf2): bool {
Check for a collision between a tilemap and a line. ic
will be a point of
an intersection, if there is one.
fn Tilemap.autotile
fn (t: ^Tilemap) autotile*(src, tileCfg: []th::uu, tile: th::uu) {
Autotile turns all tile
tiles in src
into tiles in tileCfg
, so they
follow up correctly. tileCfg
is an array of 16 tiles. They are placed in
a way where OR of all the places where the tile continues (top, right bot,
right). The constants for them are defined in this file. Example:
tileCfg[top | bot] = 21
top | bot would look something like this: |