opaque Image

type Image* = struct{ _: ^struct{} }

Represents a drawable image. It is an opaque structure. Images support a color filter. It is applied by multiplying the color of each pixel with the filter.

opaque RenderTarget

type RenderTarget* = struct { _: ^struct{} }

An image you can render to.

fn createRenderTarget

fn createRenderTarget*(size: th::Vf2, filter: int): (RenderTarget, std::Err) {

Creates a render target you can draw to, like to a window. Filter specifies specfifies filtering for resulting image. Image can be retrieved via toImage.

fn RenderTarget.end

fn (rt: ^RenderTarget) begin*(): std::Err {

Begins the render target rendering pass.

fn RenderTarget.end

fn (rt: ^RenderTarget) end*(wp: th::Vf2): std::Err {

Ends the render target rendering pass.

fn RenderTarget.toImage

fn (rt: ^RenderTarget) toImage*(): Image {

Returns the image of the render target. The resulting image has the same lifetime as the base RenderTarget. If you need to use it past the lifetime of the RenderTarget, use the copy method. Do not call setfilter on the resulting image.

fn load

fn load*(path: str): (Image, std::Err) {

Loads an image at path.

fn Image.validate

fn (i: ^Image) validate*(): bool {

Returns true, if i's handle points to an image.

fn Image.flipv

fn (i: ^Image) flipv*(flip: bool) {

Flips image on it's vertical axis.

fn Image.fliph

fn (i: ^Image) fliph*(flip: bool) {

Flips image on it's horizontal axis.

fn Image.draw

fn (i: ^Image) draw*(t: th::Transform, color: uint32 = th::white) {

Draws the image in screen coordinates. It transforms it with t and applies color as a color filter.

fn Image.blit

fn (i: ^Image) blit*(src, dest: rect::Rect, color: uint32 = 0xFFFFFFFF, rot: th::fu = 0, origin: th::Vf2 = {0, 0}) {

Copies source rectangle (texture coordinates) to destination rectangle (screen coordinates).

fn Image.drawNinepatch

fn (i: ^Image) drawNinepatch*(outer, inner, dest: rect::Rect, color: uint32 = th::white, scale: real = 1.0) {

Draws "nine-patch" image. outer specifies the texture coordinates of the outer rect of source image, inner specifies coordinates of inner rect of source image, positioned relative to outer. You can tint with color.

fn Image.drawOnQuad

fn (i: ^Image) drawOnQuad*(q: th::Quad, color: uint32 = th::white) {

Draws the image on top of a quad with corners of the image positioned on the verticies of the quad.

fn Image.getDims

fn (i: ^Image) getDims*(): th::Vf2 {

Returns width and heigth.

fn Image.crop

fn (i: ^Image) crop*(tl, br: th::Vf2) {

Crops an image. Coordinates are between 0, 0 (top left) and 1, 1 (bottom right)

fn Image.cropPx

fn (i: ^Image) cropPx*(tr, br: th::Vf2) {

Same as Image.crop, but the positions are in pixels.

fn Image.cropRect

fn (i: ^Image) cropRect*(r: rect::Rect) {

Same as Image.crop, but uses a rect instead of two positions.

fn Image.cropQuad

fn (i: ^Image) cropQuad*(q: th::Quad) {

Crop an image using a quad.

fn Image.getCropQuad

fn (i: ^Image) getCropQuad*(): th::Quad {

Crop an image using a quad.

fn mk

fn mk*(data: []uint32, dm: th::Vf2): (Image, std::Err) {

Creates an image from raw data.

fn Image.copy

fn (i: ^Image) copy*(): (Image, std::Err) {

Copies image into a new one.

fn Image.setfilter

fn (i: ^Image) setfilter*(filter: int): std::Err {

Sets a mag/min filter. 0 is nearest, others are linear. This function will regenerate the texture. This means it shouldn't be used in a loop. https://learnopengl.com/img/getting-started/texture_filtering.png left is nearest, right is linear.

fn Image.setData

fn (i: ^Image) setData*(data: []uint32, dm: th::Vf2): std::Err {

Updates the image data. dm are the dimensions of the new image. The new image doesn't have to be the same size as the old one.

fn Image.getData

fn (i: ^Image) getData*(): []uint32 {

Gets the image data. This downloads the data from the GPU on each call. Don't use in performance critical sections.