Keyboard input

Getting keyboard and mouse input in tophat is very simple. It is done using the module.

There are two ways to get keyboard input in tophat. The is* functions and the getStr function. The former returns info about a physical key on the keyboard. getStr returns a string typed by the user last cycle.


for i:=0; i < 256; i++ {
	if input.isPressed(char(i)) {
		printf("%d is pressed\n", i)

printf("the user wrote: %s\n", input.getStr())

Getting mouse input is also simple. Mouse buttons act as normal keys, so you can use the is* fuctions. Mouse position can be retrieved using the getMousePos function.

import (

fn init*() {

		for i:=0; i < 256; i++ {
			if input.isPressed(char(i)) {
				printf("%d is pressed\n", i)

		printf("the user wrote: %s\n", input.getStr())
		printf("the cursor is at %s\n", repr(input.getMousePos()))