Module for audio loading and playback.

opaque Sound

type Sound* = struct { _: ^struct{} }

Represents an instance of a playable sound. It is an opaque structure.

enum LoadFlag

type LoadFlag* = enum (uint32) {
	none = 0
	// Streams the audio, only saving 2 seconds into memory.
	stream = 1
	// Loads the sound in async. Use `audio.waitForLoad` to wait for the
	// sounds to load.
	async = 4

fn load

fn load*(path: str, flags: LoadFlag = LoadFlag.none): (Sound, std::Err) {

Loads a sounds at path, if there is an error, the underlying pointer will be NULL and validate will return false.

fn Sound.validate

fn (s: ^Sound) validate*(): bool {

Returns true if s loaded correctly.

fn Sound.copy

fn (s: ^Sound) copy*(): (Sound, std::Err) {

Copies the sound. This will create another sound which can be configured and played independently from the original sound.

fn Sound.isPlaying

fn (s: ^Sound) isPlaying*(): bool {

Returns true if the sound is still playing.


fn (s: ^Sound) play*() {

Plays the sound.

fn Sound.start

fn (s: ^Sound) start*(): (^Sound, std::Err) {

The start function allows you to play a single sound multiple times. It will create a copy and return a pointer to it, so you can controll it while it is playing. The returned pointer can be discarded.

fn Sound.stop

fn (s: ^Sound) stop*() {

Stops the sound, but keeps the progress. If you want to start from the begginning, use audio.Sound.seekToFrame(0).

fn Sound.setVol

fn (s: ^Sound) setVol*(vol: real32) {

Sets the volume as a multiplier of the base volume.

fn Sound.setPan

fn (s: ^Sound) setPan*(pan: real32) {

Sets the pan of the sound.

fn Sound.setPitch

fn (s: ^Sound) setPitch*(pitch: real32) {

Sets the pitch of the sound.

fn Sound.setLooping

fn (s: ^Sound) setLooping*(looping: bool) {

Sets whether the sound will loop upon finishing.

fn Sound.seekToFrame

fn (s: ^Sound) seekToFrame*(frame: uint) {

Seeks to a specified PCM frame.

fn Sound.frameCount

fn (s: ^Sound) frameCount*(): uint {

Returns length of the sound in PCM frames.

fn Sound.lengthMs

fn (s: ^Sound) lengthMs*(): uint {

Returns length of the sound in ms.

fn Sound.setStartTimeMs

fn (s: ^Sound) setStartTimeMs*(t: uint) {

fn Sound.setStopTimeMs

fn (s: ^Sound) setStopTimeMs*(t: uint) {