Canvas library allowing for drawing basic shapes. Coordinates are based on the screen.

fn drawText

fn drawText*(text: str, pos: th::Vf2, color: uint32, size: th::fu) {

Draws a basic pixel text. Only ascii is supported.

fn textSize

fn textSize*(text: str, scale: th::fu): th::Vf2 {

Returns the size of text taken by an equivalent drawText call.

Pixel Font

var pixelFont*: PixelFont

The pixelFont variable exposes the canvas pixel font as a generic font.

fn drawRect

fn drawRect*(color: uint32, r: rect::Rect) {

Draws a Rectangle.

fn drawLine

fn drawLine*(color: uint32, b, e: th::Vf2, thickness: th::fu) {

Draws a line.

fn drawRectLines

fn drawRectLines*(color: uint32, r: rect::Rect, thickness: real32 = 1.0) {

Draws rect border.

fn drawQuad

fn drawQuad*(color: uint32, q: th::Quad) {

Draws a convex quad.

fn drawTrig

fn drawTrig*(color: uint32, a, b, c: th::Vf2) {

Draws a triangle.

fn beginScissorRect

fn beginScissorRect*(r: rect::Rect, debug: bool = false) {

Disable rendering outside of rect r

fn endScissor

fn endScissor*() {

Stops cropping